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An Unparalleled Art Experience.

Who We Are

Real ArtReal ArtistsReal Prices.

State Of The Artz was born when 03 parallel roads closed in: Art–Resonance–Technology. 

Our Vision is to create synergies in the niche online art marketplace, by bridging gaps between art, artists & buyers. An art-tech start-up, albeit well-funded, we're an agile & classy global marketplace for art lovers, artists & collectors alike, connecting beautiful works of art, with enthusiastic owners. We offer a fresh platform & income stream for emerging artists of all genres to display their art to the world.


SOTA's hallmark is its unique blend of art services, with a diverse ensemble of art & artists. Our art library is carefully curated by art experts & artists, onboarded via a strict vetting process. So, let's get rolling!

Black Oil Painting

Our Services

For Art Lovers, By Art Lovers.

Right from the moment you enter our site, until you receive your artwork, our team has just one goal in mind – to ensure your end-to-end art shopping experience is State of the Art! We'll deliver your art anywhere in the world for Free, and provide you expert advice/guidance on your art requirements.

02. Art Adjustment

Refining Our Art, Per Your Needs!

State of the Artz understands that many art buyers are finicky while shopping for art. We've all been in situations where we loved an original art piece but sighed, "If only this was black" or "If only the sky was reddish, it'd align perfectly with the home decor/theme".


SOTA's Art Adjustment service empowers you to do all that, and more! Giving your personal, subtle touches to personalize & enhance the beauty/essence of your art, has never been so easy! We help you choose the right backdrop design, mood style, color coverage ratio, element sizes, color-schemes, etc. Just think, if you don't give these personal touches to your prized artwork, then how many more "If Only" moments can you endure?

We provide you exactly what you want, how you want, & No Extra Fees! SOTA guarantees your satisfaction with your art.

03. Art Enclosure

Finding Your Art, A Worthy Home.

State of the Artz is home to amazing art & art services, where we believe everyone & everything needs a home; especially your Art. You may choose to hang it up on a wall at your home/office, but the true home for your canvas art is its Frame. Choosing the right frame for your canvas art enhances its beauty, and protects it from the ravages of time (& butterfingers!). 

SOTA's Art Enclosure service is crafted to ensure your artwork finds the right home, so it'd keep smiling back at you always & you can cherish it for many moons. We use genuine hardwood for all our frames; i.e. it'd never bend, warp, or crack over time. Moreover, SOTA's experts frame/stretch it so immaculately that your art looks pretty even at the back!

04. Bespoke Art

Tailoring Your Art, From Scratch!

State of the Artz knows getting a perfect art piece created just how you want, isn’t easy. Hassles like long commitments, wait times & high price tags repel many buyers, and prevent them from experiencing that sheer thrill of 'custom art-creation'.

SOTA's Bespoke Art service ensures you get exactly what you want, how you want; thus making your prized art, exclusively yours. Our buyer engagement process is engineered to be a hassle-free & delightful event for you – right from the art/project discovery phase, until the art delivery at your home; add our nominal pricing factor to the mix, and you get the Art Trifecta!

Our team works with you to discover key nuances of your art preferences – to create your art from scratch, per inputs on your life, inspirations, principles, fond memories & events, current mindset, home decor, etc.

We'll help you Connect with Your Art.


01. Art Curation

Matching You, With The Right Art.

State of the Artz believes that awesome art belongs to everyone, anywhere; be it your college dorm room, or your swanky penthouse suite in Manhattan, we believe that the art buying process should be fun, exciting, and delightful. We also believe that an artwork should also be reasonably priced – unless you want to buy an Andy Warhol, a Van Gogh, et al. – then you may have to rob a bank! (Disclaimer: Don't!)

SOTA's Art Curation service is geared to meet the art buyers' needs, by helping them discover their inspiration & pick the artwork that resonates with them, so they go home with the right piece of art that they'd absolutely love for all eternity.

Contact us; let's find you the Right Art!

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" The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."

– Michelangelo Buonarroti


Contact Us


State of the Artz believes that our art library & services speak for itself. But, in case you've got any questions or if you want to partner with us, don’t hesitate to say Get In Touch!


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